
Cipla LTD Market Direction Prediction with the help of EW

Hi Folks,

I am not a SEBI registered analyst; this analyst is based on my observation. i am not given Buy/sell or Sell/Buy any signal this just for learning purposes, Investor can use this to identify swing trade or positional trade setup if they know how to use price action.
Here we can see Cipla LTD, is trading about 1500 level, this is very curtailing level market direction would consolidate lil bit and then rally in up direction.

Cipla has completed (iv) macro wave and continue with sub macro 3rd wave, which can go up to 1.618% or more of Project from sub macro i and ii. once level 1500 broken it can rally much faster then any stocks.


Stop Loss:- 1396

Target:- 2000.

Please consider with your SEBI register analyst before taking any trade.
