FX_IDC:CADJPY   ดอลลาร์แคนนาดา / เยนญี่ปุ่น
I Think Price action has followed indecision during last weeks consolidation
This reasons me to believe price action made a final attempt to push before a needed retracement should be present.
83.500 is the level i personally will be watching If the retracement does occur. If price action follows there i think 83.500 will show massive resistance after a good price action fall that might follow farther than 83.500, if price action does show massive/ or just ressistance around the level of 83.500 I will follow Long to 91.260
Price action looks to be bullish not showing signs of bearish to follow down
price action is doing what i expected, i think my emotions were fooled yesterday with this massive move im not sure if it might pass 83.5 and maybe hit 82.50
if price action keeps moving up, im thinking it will also it might just keep in the red lines trend and go up once more
time to short now



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