Euro-Bund Future

Heikin-Ashi says cover shorts, consolidatio/pull back ahead

- The first deep "drop" on the chart was due to U6/Z6 contract change.
- Second leg down was due to selloff triggered by ECB
- Ichimoku setup is bearish, but price is far below Kijun and Kumo (equilibrium). Market needs consolidation.
- Heikin-Ashi signals some pause in drop: doji candle, haDelta and haOscillator moves higher (still below zero)
We'll likely see consolidation or even a pull back up to 165 in coming days
- EWO seems to hit a local bottom. Small wave up possible

- Extremely bearish Ichimoku setup, but price far below shorter term equilibrium too.
- Price could not make a lower low today. Heikin-Ashi signals indecision.
- Positive divergences in haDelta, haOscillator and EWO
- Possibility of a pull back to Kumo and Kijun is increasing!

Cover shorts, and/or open small swing long with tight stop.

