
BTC: Correction or trend reversal?

LuckyTrader102 ที่อัปเดต:   
BITTREX:BTCUSDT   Bitcoin / Tether
Here we have 2 cases of BTC .

  • Case 1: That is correction to continue drop to 29-31k zone

    With this case we have: Diamond top pattern (still not confirm - need 1 more lower low and break the trend line )

  • Case 2: BTC has really reversed with the first 5 IM waves

    Now we are on last wave 5: Price need keep above 38000 before correction after hit 41-42k zone

So, which case do you think BTC will follow?

Like, share and comment your idea in comment field :D
Update case 2:

B can down to 36xxx zone
Update case 1:

At this level 36-37. Both case 1 and 2 can be true. So confuse!
Update for case 2
Trade finished

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