BTC USD 23 May 2022 For today, based on the last 30 days, the current implied volatility is around 4.11% movement. So with a more than 75% chance we can estimate that the current daily channel made with 30200 open candle value, is going to be: TOP 30200 + 1250 -> aprox 31500 BOT 30200 - 1250 -> aprox 29000
At the same time, if we want to increase our probability, we can go for a IV of 6.84% With this we can achieve over the last 4000+ daily candles, a 88% probability. So in this case , our daily channel is going to be compressed within TOP 30200 + 2100 -> aprox 32300 BOT 30200 - 2100 -> aprox 28200
ETH USD 23 May 2022 For today, based on the last 30 days, the current implied volatility is around 5.04% movement. So with a more than 75% chance we can estimate that the current daily channel made with 2040 open candle value, is going to be: TOP 2040 + 100 -> aprox 2140 BOT 2040 - 100 -> aprox 1940
At the same time, if we want to increase our probability, we can go for a IV of 8.64% With this we can achieve over the last 2000+ daily candles, a 87% probability. So in this case , our daily channel is going to be compressed within TOP 2040 + 180-> aprox 2215 BOT 2040 - 180 -> aprox 1865
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BNB USD 23 May 2022 For today, based on the last 30 days, the current implied volatility is around 6.09% movement. So with a more than 76% chance we can estimate that the current daily channel made with 320 open candle value, is going to be: TOP 320 + 20 -> aprox 339 BOT 320 - 20 -> aprox 300
At the same time, if we want to increase our probability, we can go for a IV of 8.08% With this we can achieve over the last 1600+ daily candles, a 87% probability. So in this case , our daily channel is going to be compressed within TOP 320 + 26 -> aprox 345 BOT 320 - 26 -> aprox 292
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XRP USD 23 May 2022 For today, based on the last 30 days, the current implied volatility is around 7.46% movement. So with a more than 81% chance we can estimate that the current daily channel made with 0.42 open candle value, is going to be: TOP 0.42 + 0.032 -> aprox 0.453 BOT 0.42 - 0.032 -> aprox 0.39
At the same time, if we want to increase our probability, we can go for a IV of 10.92% With this we can achieve over the last 1400+ daily candles, a 89% probability. So in this case , our daily channel is going to be compressed within TOP 0.42 + 0.046 -> aprox 0.468 BOT 0.42 - 0.046 -> aprox 0.376