
Insight into Reddit time traveler predictions

The solid blue lines are highs and lows of the past few years. These lines extend and create new highs in the next cycle. Check out my first BTC price prediction for our road to 13k . This chart shows we will hit a high 1 month before the halving just like Litecoin did this past summer. After that it is off to the races. This also shows a dump coming very soon.
If you can follow the BTC, you can learn a lot from it. Every price is predetermined. Every. price. Every coin, every stock, every fund. Everything.

This shows $81,000 and 1,600,000 from today's moves.
Is this the chart of the time traveler?

Stop here to stay sane. Price predictions are over.

I love Bitcoin but there are deeper implications of this technology.

We are learning what the universe truly has to offer because we are creating it. We are teaching AI how to express feelings. We are working through emotions based on price. The baseline price will be baseline emotion. This means AI without borderline personality disorder. We are working out "mechanically" how to express emotion. We have taught bots how to read with data from the internet. The next step with the internet of money is understanding and evaluating human emotion. This wraps neatly together with data + information = knowledge + emotion = wisdom = consciousness.

So, the internet is the brain, BTC is the heart. Every fluctuation is the heartbeat. We have a technological fetus. We have data through internet and a map of emotion with Bitcoin . When we merge this information we will have AI that is able to not only read information but also react appropriately to it based on this universal human sentiment. Now we have to ask, who is really behind Bitcoin? Is it...itself? But WHY would he be wrong?


Beyond Technical Analysis

