The current implied volatility is at 81.61%/year So that converted into daily is 5.14%
The opening price was on 30970 So based on that our TOP 32600 BOT 29410 This channel has a 88.3% change to sustain based on the last 290 candles
At the same time with 79.3% changes TOP 32200 BOT 29800
From fundamental point, today we have CPI release and this marks a huge volatility moment From volume point, current POC is around 31100
So based on this, and how the SPX market moved in the last 12h aprox, I can expect a small bullish moment for this we can wait and make a long entry around 30k, with a stop loss on 29750/29500/29410
The other was is to not wait for the rebounce on the support and instead just enter now, with the same stop loss values.
For take profit look for 31k+, after 31k you can start securing some profits and move the stop loss on break even.