⚡️Hey guys! This is gonna be a rather important follow up on things from yesterday but here's a quick chart of the 15 minute to show you what we're gonna be describing real quick.


⚡️That line which I've noted down as the line we want to stay above is crucially important as I've already pointed out being as it's the bottom of our wedge and no matter what we want to avoid falling below as it'd likely start off anther sell off which is the last thing we need.


⚡️This chart depicts the fact that the wedge will be ending soon and these are always those decisive moments, especially considering this wedge first formed following the fall back in May and however we exit this wedge will most definitely have a big impact. We want to exit upwards of course and avoid moving below the wedge's support at whatever cost, even if we are a bit stagnant, what matters is that we keep within and can ultimately push up and out to get that wonderful breakout we've been wanting since our fall.

⚡️If we continue as we are and keep support, then it shouldn't be too far of a stretch to see those 20/50's flip on the hourly by which then we'd likely have another 200 EMA mountain entry and that would likely be enough to send us up up and up out of this wedge for that breakout so you guys definitely wanna keep posted on those EMA's though still, it's always good to remember that while they are lagging indicators they will show you how things are moving and which way the trend can possibly go.

⚡️I'm gonna keep things short and leave the idea here for now but thank you for tuning in, if you'd like to leave a like or follow it'd be much appreciated. Simply doing what I love and trying to help others out with my personal insight and take. Thank you guys and wishing nothing but the best as always!

~ Rock'
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