#BitStamp Tending To 260 Forecast; Geo Offers Support #fibonacci
In a prior predictive analysis/forecasting, the technical reasons where outlined to support a reactive rally to the 260.00 see prior analysis here:
At this point, the expected rally towards 260.00 remains in force, as price surged and carved a higher high, and is now likely to have found that once-resistance/now support in the geometry's 1-3 Line.
The Fibonacci scale highlights correlations with the foreground geometry, wherein its 1.414 represents its reversal level at the geo's 5-prime, its 1.000 highlights the geo's conservative trigger level, namely Point-3, 0.618 defines the approximate level of Point-4, which defines a high-probability of attainment, whereas the most distal, at 0.786 represents a possible Cypher completion level.
These levels are likely to be visited at the probability rate defined here, but the overall picture remains submissive to bearish whims, per Predictive/Forecasting Model.
David Alcindor Predictive Analysis & Forecasting Denver, Colorado - USA