

⚡️Real quick and short since the chart speaks for itself basically though before we get in let's quickly show the previous Idea's chart and link if you'd like to click on it and check it out.

⚡️We couldn't manage to come back up to our trend line we added and failed to form a third high leading to us creating a mountain top by which then we had that 200 EMA exit which was then followed by a fall below our decision channel which is rather decisive as always and that was definitely helped by the large Bitcoin sell volume that saw us nearly hit 130 Bitcoins worth over that 15 minute candle period alone in our largest wick.

⚡️Now what'll be next is the retest of our $19,555 level again though this is what we've seen time and time again and we called out to warn about this in the last idea so I hope those of you that follow and really read these ideas we're able to see the pattern before as well as we've marked time and time again. Considering how good support has been to us up to this point I hope we can find it once again though but should we experience the next scenario I want to share one of our past ideas that can tell and possibly show a lot to you guys, you can click and read it if you'd like as well.

⚡️That's what happened when we had a dramatic 200 EMA loss and is only one of the many times we've seen this after an impulse wave up. Be on watch still though being as we're at a lower price level for our 200 EMA's exit than we we're in the idea up above so that alone should tell you what we can experience if you compare the current chart up against the linked here. If you have any questions or remarks please feel free to comment below as always!

I know I'm not perfect but I damn well give it my best and while stuff hasn't been the easiest lately and I've been dealing with a lot in my own life I still do my best to post for you guys and soon enough we'll be giving better than ever ideas! Simply keep tuned and follow as always for some real good stuff soon to come! Wishing well per always and simply press the play button on my idea to keep posted with my markings if I haven't given any updates as always!

~ Rock '



ข้อมูลและบทความไม่ได้มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อก่อให้เกิดกิจกรรมทางการเงิน, การลงทุน, การซื้อขาย, ข้อเสนอแนะ หรือคำแนะนำประเภทอื่น ๆ ที่ให้หรือรับรองโดย TradingView อ่านเพิ่มเติมที่ เงื่อนไขการใช้บริการ