
Why do people even think it will moon

Just check the volumes and ask yourself why some believe there will be a strong move up...50K with MTGOX ruling coming in September...Really now...This trading volume and trend line show us one thing, it is clear that there are less and less buyers for this price range. And more and more people are aware of it. Look at that huge selling bar down there...And where is the reaction (like in the past)...Almost none at all
Fewer and fewer people believe Btc is worth 6500...This is a fact....

Perhaps a few large bag holders will try to pump it (it's the food they are thriving on after all) and/or are keeping it floating. But market sentiment is definitely Bearish and market will follow that trend

when the group of btc 3k buyers will realise we won't get those ATH aand the price dips under 5900 50%retracement...Guess what, or let me put it differently...What would you do multiply it by the nbr of people that might have the same idea and voila you guys understand why I am bearish and bearish and love bears....


Iac it s a beautiful technolog, is showing great dynamism and many great things will come out of it eventually. But THA big reset is approaching in the mean time Muhahahaha!!!!

If there are some newbies out there that wanna get a hold of Ichimoku
