
BTC - Up to $84,000 by end of March

Hey, folks.

If we look at the weekly BTC chart using a 4-week moving average (purple line), we notice a very consistent pattern that just might be forecasting a jump to $84,000 by the end of March.

LEG 1: The recent rally started back in October (point "A"), at around $10,000, and rising to around $20,000 (point "B"). Leg 1 took 5 week and ran up about $10,000. BTC then took a break like a mountain climber catching his breath.

LEG 2: In its second leg, BTC rose from around $20,000 to about $40,000 (point "C"). Leg 2 took 4 weeks and ran up about $20,000. BTC then took another break, losing about $10,000 from point "C" to point "D".

LEG 3: For its third leg, BTC rose from a low of $28,000 (point "D") to a high of $58,000 (point "E"). Leg 3 took 4 weeks and ran up about $30,000. BTC has now been taking another break (1 week so far), dropping to a low of about $44,000 (point "F").

Do you notice the pattern? Leg 1 ran up $10,000. Leg 2 ran up $20,000. Leg 3 ran up $30,000. We might speculate that the next leg should run up $40,000, from around $44,000 (point "F") to around $84,000 (point "G").

When might it reach point "G"? Leg 1 lasted 5 weeks. Leg 2 lasted 4 weeks. Leg 3 lasted 4 weeks. We might estimate leg 4 to last 4 or 5 weeks as well, taking us to the "G" point by around the end of March.

Now that would be some "G" spot!

Chart Patterns
