
Who was responsible for crashing Bitcoin in December 2017? -RANT

Caution: This is a rant on Bitcoin manipulation that was released yesterday.

Christopher Giancarlo, former U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), spills the beans. It was Wall Street with the help of the Trump administration.
It appears that every market, including Bitcoin, must be manipulated by Wall Street. This is why the the CME futures were given the green light. This I suspect was also why Bakkt was given a priority over all of those ETF's that had applied before Bakkt. ETF's would have driven the Bitcoin price much higher and the government can't have that without the ability to manipulate the market. So it was Bakkt that was approved first. The CME futures have robbed Bitcoin investors of hundreds of billions of dollars through this price manipulation. I find this highly ironic because if someone else manipulates the BTC price, the gov't launches an investigation. But if Wall Street does it, it's perfectly legal. As I've said before. Wall Street is a criminal organization that should have been shut down decades ago. It all began (accelerated?) in the 1990's when Bill Clinton abolished Glass Steagall act and allowed derivatives to manipulate prices without actually purchasing the commodity. Derivatives are capable of destroying empires, and perhaps the world, economically speaking. As Warren Buffet often said, derivatives are the weapons of mass financial destruction. And we are about to find out in 2 to 5 years when this Ponzi scheme goes nuclear. Who will survive? Only corporations like Goldman Sachs and cockroaches and I'm not sure if there is much difference between the two. At least you could make a pet with the cockroach.

When will Bitcoin reach a new high? When Wall Street wants it to. They will likely crash the price down to 5k or even 3k in order to wrestle the last BTC from the dead dying hands of the HODL'rs. That is what they do. That is how Wall Street makes money, through price manipulation. That is how trading desks at Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan never have a losing trading day in years. They rig and front run every market. People should care, because it is their money they are stealing. If you think you are going to retire in 5 years so you don't care? Well guess again. Chances are your pension is underfunded thanks to Wall St manipulating interest rates, so unless you are a CEO working for a billion dollar corporation, you will end up working until the day you die. Free markets are dead. Our governments and financial institutions have made it so. We the people, are merely the grease used to lubricate the gears of the corruption machine we call Wall Street.

Original article from CoinDesk:

Rant from Bix Weir yesterday:

Ethereum Futures are planned for next year. I wonder why? (more price manipulation)
