Power of 3 VS Pi

SPYvsGME ที่อัปเดต:   
3hr bitcoin using modified Pi cycle top.

Pi cycle top seems like an interesting theory

so I decided to put it up against some Power of 3.

Check out those gap ups/downs I highlighted when crossing over the 222 MA.

Holding the 222ma of the 3hr will be important test of this pi cycle is tops or flops.

Short term I'm bearish until a bounce or 2 on this 222ma.

I'm yellen timber on Dow Jones with Cookie Monster here.

I can see a pull back on bitcoin until a Blow Off Top occurs on Dow and the S&P then bitcoin will probable hit the 70s-80s +.

See what happened with TSLA today. shorts covering ran up the price.

Not financial advice. I'm right 3 times the Pi.

Either going to bounce off Pi or Die.

make your choice.



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