
3 degrees of 5 wave patterns complete

Kappy ที่อัปเดต:   
Intermediate wave (C) – of the primary degree wave B (circle) of the expanding flat correction unfolding since the 2013 top – is complete. Five wave impulses at three degrees (Minor, Minute, Minuette) are complete for intermediate wave (C). This could be it.

I have stepped away from the ending diagonal interpretation for wave (C). The wave structure since triangle pattern in 2016 (wave (B) ) is a satisfactory five wave impulse. From the 2015 low to the current all-time highs we have an (A)-(B)-(C) zigzag pattern to complete wave B circle. The next move is for primary wave C (circle) to unfold in an intermediate degree 5 wave decline back down to the 2015 lows or lower.
Initial key levels and wave formations to watch for in determining the size of this correction.

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