SELL SELL SELL Bitcoin The Titanic has hit the ICEBERG
To all those who are still trying to trade Bitcoin ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The Horse has bolted The Money has been made All that is left are 2 people
1/ Those who have a stupid look on their faces and have blown an account lost there homes etc etc and are waiting for the BOUNCE 2/ And those that stayed on the Titanic for they did not want to get their shoes WET
There will always be Crypto currencies for moving money But Not to trade and make money off
If a major economy currency lost as much as Bitcoin has , the country would be Non exsistant and its residents would be starving and all broke
This does not happen in major currencies , there are peaks and troughs and recessions BUT Nothing such Bitcoin losses
Bitcoin will finish where it started 0
This is the opinion of the London Fx Club Traders WHO DO NOT trade in CRYPTO Currencies We have made out Money and GOT OUT