
The Friday bounce should extend higher on Sunday

Yesterday we almost nailed the bottom in BTC and it turned back up as we expected.

It bounced up strongly to 64,500. I expected the bounce to extend higher. But I do not think the move up on Friday was all of subwave c of wave -b- up.

Most likely it was only a micro wave i up and the overnight decline is a micro corrective ii down that by the way still has room to leak lower to 63,000 - 62,800.

I expect that decline to stop over the Friday low (62,294) and turn back up again.

On Sunday BTC may rally again to 65,600 but can extend to 66,800.

After completion of the red corrective a up, b down , c up structure of wave -b- up we should expect another decline in wave -c- down to tag the Green Demand zone under 60,000.



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