I’m able to confirm Still to much low volatility with a volatility contraction = uptrend
Was able to confirm equal lows means uptrend and divergence still in process.
Traders: why idle? Because the central banks have not gotten in for the big move. I may be able to confirm a bullish move yet will not disappear, will remain: let me illustrate a picture! Image billionaires holding a stop sign. Ya know what that means, means the uptrend can’t move forward until the green light is given by smart money.
Many traders will say BTC will move up. I’m sure it will but the real question is, I have certainty it’s moving up not down for a crash. For now I can relate this.
The governments and central banks have time and are very patient.
The moment for a tiny downtrend, dumb money sells for losses. This opens the doors for smart money to stick to an area for a while because of liquidity.
Smart money lives to play games. Dont ya realize they fake pump like in the NFL means the quarterback pretends to pass the ball to a receiver and yet either hands off the ball or passes it to another receiver.
This is one of the games they love to play; as they fake pump then many traders jump in with FOMO then they sell thinking BTC is down for a big fall crash while it’s on a downtrend.
For this reason we have a delay. If traders would only stay in, we’d be way above 40k but who am I for ya to believe.
It sickenings to see many ideas pinpointing to a crash which will not happen yet.
I practice smart money moves on a daily basis. Smart money is whom we should all fear.
We’re going up against big huge whales. If they can manipulate, I’m learning to walk right beside them to see their plots.
I have very little published ideas. I’m trying hard to get many more ideas through other many crypto coins so this way I can establish some reputation of being believed.
Also my fellow mates; lately I’ve realized I’ve been pretty cocky and my apologies for that, I guess when I have to much information with many advantages, I let that get to me; lol. I’ll do my best to remain humble.