
November16 Bitcoin Bybit chart analysis

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BYBIT:BTCUSD.P   BTCUSD Perpetual Contract


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I will begin BTCUSD Bybit Bitcoin Chart Analysis for November 16.

Bitcoin 4 hour chart.

Today's approximate top price and bottom price are displayed.

around the green support line.

Red upward / sky blue downward movement path check

I substituted the Nasdaq movement.

The 30-minute chart is a one-way neutral strategy.

In the case of Nasdaq, overall movement is not bad.
The 6-hour chart MACD dead cross is in progress, but
After the rising touch, it doesn't seem to be very important because it is advantageous in terms of pattern.

Instead, I calculated it as a pattern in Tether Dominance.
It seemed difficult for bitcoin to rise in a short period of time.

About this week, as Bitcoin makes higher lows,
If you keep your seat well, it is a condition that can rise significantly.

The most important one is the NASDAQ.

Nasdaq -> Bits + Tether Dominance

remember the relationship

In accordance with the Nasdaq movement, Bitcoin also bet on the upward trend.

*In arrow movement path

Long -> Short -> Long Switching Strategy

1. Entry into long position at $16649.5 / stop loss when breaking the green support line

2. Entry into short position at $17076.5 / stop loss when orange resistance line is broken

3. 16691 bull long position switching / stop loss when breaking the light blue support line

If rebound fails, in Tether Dominance
Because it reaches the rebound section, a correction can come out strongly once.
Please note

If you hold on to this section well, the conditions for a strong rise are created.

In the case of a green support line, please note that a movement that continues to raise the low can be connected.

Keep an eye on the Nasdaq movement.

Let's hold on well this week.

I have a health checkup tomorrow, so I don't think I'll be able to do my daily activities inevitably.

Please excuse me

My analysis is for reference only.

I hope you operate safely with principle trading / stop loss essential

thank you.


This is the movement after writing the NASDAQ analysis on the 16th.
The main sections were marked with a black finger.

Based on the light blue support line (stop loss) until the 17th
I supported you well

Right-down sideways movement to the true wave support line on the 18th

Somehow the pattern has been broken.

Bollinger Bands Rebound after Touching the 6-Hour Support Line
The 12-hour chart MACD dead cross is in progress.

Let's look at it as a whole.

On the 16th, this is the movement after writing the Bitcoin analysis article.
The main sections were marked with a black finger.

Left $16649.5 entry price

within the orange resistance/light blue support line
Extreme sideways finish.

The strategy was active.

Compared to Tether Dominance
As I explained, this week at the earliest, next week at the latest

It looks like there will be a lot of movement.

I will look into the details in general.

thank you

*비트코인가이드 공식텔레그램 Telegram

*빙엑스 BingX 50%DC+$5,000 (청산할때만 총1회수수료)

*바이비트 Bybit 20%DC+$5,020

*게이트아이오 Gateio 30%DC+$6666

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