CME:BTC1!   สัญญาซื้อขายล่วงหน้า CME ของบิทคอยน์
After 6 months absence, going to start my monthly thread on BTC1!

I have updated the monthly direction table for last 6 months. Even during a major bull run majority of the time CME Week was showing a weakness. However for last 6 months, CME week is showing a more of a ranging performance followed by weakness.

CME Data:
Trade Volume increasing while Open Interest is reducing, meaning contracts are getting closed prior to settlement.

Gaps: Currently 2 major gaps are open
Gap Open - 2022 May , within the price range of 34450 to 35925
Gap Open - 2022 June, within the price range of 27300 to 28945

Trades: Looking for short if price tries to get stronger prior to final settlement date.



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