Final Chart

Been making charts for a while. Also watching the space.
As far as trading goes. I consider myself nearly a complete failure.

I failed to recognize just how dumb most people really are.
I mean years from now, people might think BTC and ETH are garbage technology.
But today, the majority of people in crypto think they are actually good technology.
That is all that matters. I have no understanding of these people.

I mean I looked past the rhetoric and saw BSV as good technology. Without reading news articles telling me how good it is.
That is not how you make money trading.

I am trading BSV, I am not hodling BSV. Now that is just dumb.
BSV managed to make 0% profit this year.

0% gains in 2021. I never saw this coming, but I should have.
I barely made some profit because I traded it a few times.
I have more BSV coins, but their value has not changed from a year ago.

Technically I am doing better in BSV, but that doesn't matter yet.
I will wait until I see mainstream talks about BSV.

Let's have an endorsement from someone like Peter Schiff that hates BTC.
Let's have people actually debating if BSV is the real bitcoin.
Not just 12 people on twitter.

BSV is still the best technology.
But that has nothing to do with this website. This website is about trading. BSV is the biggest pile of shit for trading.

I think a lot of coins a cheap right now. I will be moving my funds around.
I am going to keep 250 BSV for long term holding.
I am putting the rest into shitcoins.

And I am deleting this account.
