Theres confusion that led to my own worry. But all fine now.
Shib dip is a good scare and for me its stem from not knowing about its own circulation, or knowing very well about its circulation but coming of as a crazed idea. For me I have known coinmarketcap since I first invested in crypto in 2018. So I would tend to trust them more than SHIB, but still want it to succeed while I hold on for dear life. So if coinmarketcap expertise says the circulation is 500 trill then I ought to heed their word more than Shib unknown leads. Certik as their auditor also says 500 trill, and now Shib acting like doge lead and sounding assholish fighting articles. Not taking a argumentative stance to disprove but asking others to prove. So with a brain like that is just disgusting to follow. But the coin has not crash to beyond repair so its benefits outways this factual ,not really a FUD, "FUD". So now I'd accept 4500 as base, which I didnt buy at cause I couldnt be sure of anything keeping above that. But seems its good and steady and SHIB withs its army ready to truck back up. Kraken taking heat as untrustworthy, Binance is better, as they do not hold up to promise to list the token. This may be part cause of dip as well. Robinhood still expected to be forced to list the token some time, but still not soon.
All was running smooth and seems RSI was true to its concept with a -400 sat extention and hopefully set to remain above the current price as new development, listings and acceptance roll out. A target sentiment to knock of another 0 before 2022 but for me I dont see that happening but if it does, it will be fast as any outstanding announcement hit.