
So perfect Fib Spiral top reversal pattern. BILI is not worth th

NASDAQ:BILI   Bilibili Inc.
I won't short BILI, I'm not sure where the top is, maybe 200$ / 300$, that's crazy.
Long stop-loss price: 106.67 / 94.91
BILI is a interesting stock, but I won't touch BILI stock above 120$.
Low liquidity of BILI options, and low leverage for margin trading.
I have no idea why my money forced buying a stock like BILI.
BILI is too young to forecast its stock price.
One of risks is pirated videos on bilibili.com, those videos like a time bomb.
There are lots of opportunities buying other stocks, and those stocks are uprising steadily.
The only reason buying BILI above 120$ after 18 Jan 2021 is that buying BILI like a believer, being a long-term shareholder who firmly believe that BILI would be great than others.

stock analysis by Jiucai334
16 Jan 2021



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