
Trying to gain popularity and formation of ascending movement

KRAKEN:BCHUSD   บิทคอยน์ต่อดอลลาร์
In the weekly chart, there are two important ranges. The first range is $ 497.10, by crossing this range, we can be hopeful for an uptrend formation for the targets of $ 2,200 to $ 3,000. Also, if the price crosses the range of $ 231.07, it may encounter the Triangle pattern, in which a long corrective movement is predictable and then we expect a descending movement up to the range of $ 45-50.
( weekly Chart )
In the daily chart, we can have this wave count that wave 2 has ended in the range of 140.65, and the price is forming wave iii. However, to confirm the uptrend, the price must cross the range of $ 497.10.
Personally, I’m interested in putting my investment in Light Coin (SHA256).



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