Bank Nifty Cmp 41687 dated 7-11-2022 ZOOM Above 41850

SHEETAL_UDESHI ที่อัปเดต:   
NSE:BANKNIFTY   Nifty Bank Index
Bank Nifty Cmp 41687 dated 7-11-2022

1. Ascending Triangle Pattern
2. Resistance @ 41850
3. RSI on verge of BO

Buy above 41850 for target 44500 SL 40800

Disclaimer :
I am not a Sebi registered Analyst so please do your own Analysis before taking any action.
The above view is shared just for educational purpose.
By no means shall be responsible for any losses amounting out of it incase if any trades on it.
It is just a view, pls trade at your own risk.

cmp 42115 :)


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