
Bank Nifty

vanathi Mod ที่อัปเดต:   
NSE:BANKNIFTY   Nifty Bank Index
Price has taken support from 52000, but still it has to gain strength to move up.
Pattern : Support/Resistance.
Range : Medium.
Trend strength : Normal.
Buy Above : 52120.
Stop Loss : 52020.
Targets : 52200, 52280, 52400, 52480 and 52560.
Sell below : 51900.
Stop Loss : 51980.
Targets : 51820 ,51760, 51640, 51560 and 51480.

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Note : This is my pre market analysis and my trading journal. Not a suggestion to buy or sell.
You are responsible for whatever you do.
Gap up.

Roles I play here : Author, Analyst & Moderator.

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