
$BA to $300

PabloLerdoNews ที่อัปเดต:   
NYSE:BA   Boeing Company (The)
$BA to 285 in the next 30-45 days. A lot of stocks and even some heavily affected ones are already back at their pre-pandemic levels while BA has been lagging down 31% compared to the dow since NOV 2019 IT IS A RE-Opening trade as well as it has been lagging compared to its peers.

Key resistance at $234-$236 if it breaks it can run a lot!
Broke resistance levels at $234 and $242 and we saw it gap up to the $250s as planned. Now expect a big move over the next 2-3 weeks as I believe it will lead the dow to new record highs as a last push of the re-opening trade and the industrials, airlines, cruise lines will continue to lead the market in the short term before handing the baton to tech again


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