FX:AUDUSD   ดอลลาร์ออสเตรเลีย / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ
AUDUSD is almost at the weekly down trend , I will be watching the structure on lower time frame for turning or continuation patterns. Personally I believe we will see one more down impulse.

I will be post trade setup on lower time frame, if you want instant notification, please follow me.
Trade with care.
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FREE webinar today (4/14/2016) 9 am NY time .
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we will look at BIG moves to come next week and Q&A
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To all my followers , friends , colleague and fellow traders: I truly respect all views but please keep it simple , post your view, make your comment (disagree or agree) and leave it at that! Don't spam the comments with multiply charts and endless comments!
OK Guys it is now broken the up trend so let's see how far this goes!!


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