
AW Aussie Dollar Analysis - The Bulls Are In Control...

FX:AUDUSD   ดอลลาร์ออสเตรเลีย / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ
The corrective idea from the previous video has flown out the window with a break of the highs.

I see prices moving higher from this point. I believe Wave 3 is now playing out.

Whether it can be conceived that the correction was so small for Wave 2 could indicate overall Wave 3 price action.

From here we need to break a couple of levels and then we should see prices rise significantly.

Remember to use Disciplined Money Management Principles to ensure longevity as a trader.

If you don't know the long term pattern shouldn't you be doing your research instead of just following the crowd?

Just remember: I am not a financial adviser; I suggest using this only as a guide. Always do your own research.


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