FX:AUDNZD   ดอลลาร์ออสเตรเลีย / ดอลลาร์นิวซีแลนด์
Here we got the infamous Gartley pattern on the AUDNZD for a continuation of the trend. The setup is on a 1hr trade so i strongly advise to wait to put your orders in till London session opens on Monday to see how bad the gap is going to be after the weekend.

Else its the same old story, RSI overbought and wait for a retracement to out entry, if price surpass our C point the setup is no longer valid and there is no trade!

For those of you that follow me, the stats for Week 28 is 5 trades where 4 was winners. That ended out to 153 pips and a 8% return.

Keep it simple, plan your trade and trade your plan..

Kind regards
Thomas Jeff



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