
AUDNZD, bullish Gartley + NZD rate cut expectation

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FX:AUDNZD   ดอลลาร์ออสเตรเลีย / ดอลลาร์นิวซีแลนด์
AUDNZD, bullish Gartley + NZD rate cut expectation/
AUD cut interest rate to 1.5% today. current NZD rate at 2.25%. the 0.75% difference should give RBNZ some pressure to cut interest rate. this should bring NZD down.
AUDNZD is also at multiple-year low level now. Good to target 1.098 for the bullish Gartley 2nd target.
Look forward to a bullish daily PIN bar today.
looking awesome. hit 1st target. moving towards 2nd and 3rd target

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