FX:AUDCHF   ดอลลาร์ออสเตรเลีย / ฟรังก์สวิส
*Update: Stopped out
The price is testing multiple support levels around 0.8100 area
- A previous horizontal support area
-The 61.8 retracement level for the bullish trend
-1.271 extension for the latest bullish wave
-Possible descending support

Looking for a reactive bounce of this support , lets hope this one goes well...

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My best regards,

Trading Criteria:
1. Trades are taken in two units
2. First unit would be closed at first target
3. Stop loss is then moved to break-even
4. Second unit would be closed at second target
5) If 90 percent of first target is reached I move stop loss to break-even.
6) If 90 percent of first target is reached without triggering entry I cancel the trade.
7) Remember: Losing is a main part of the game



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