AUDCAD long entry at the retest of the trendline

11021992 ที่อัปเดต:   
FX:AUDCAD   ดอลลาร์ออสเตรเลีย / ดอลลาร์แคนาดา
Hi traders,

On the AUDCAD I am looking to enter long around 0.977 area.
My reasons for this long:
  • Retest of the trendline breakout
  • 0.618 fib retracement of the daily move
  • 0.382 fib retracement of the weekly move
  • 0.618 fib retracement of the monthly move
  • Previous structure

Entry, stop and targets are based on structure. Target 2 is just below the 1.00 mark. This is a huge psychological point and very hard to break.

Entry: 0.977
Stop: 0.9688
Target 1: 0.9875
Target 2: 0.9980

Will keep this chart updated as time progresses.

Best of luck!
Target 1 hit.
Stop moved to entry.
And took half my position off.

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