Anupam Rasayan India Ltd is engaged in manufacturing of specialty chemicals.
Market Cap ₹ 8,254 Cr. Dividend Yield 0.33 % Its a Mid-Cap dividend giving stock.
Stock PE 64.2 Industry PE 41.7 Stock PE is more than industry PE, shows a little space for cooling down.
ROCE 9.04 % ROE 5.01 % Both less but ok.
Promoter holding 61.3 % Pledged promoter 9.29 % Promoter holding is good and less pledged.
Debt ₹ 1,070 Cr. Reserves ₹ 2,651 Cr. Debt is less than reserve.
Graham Number ₹ 258 Intrinsic Value ₹ 430 Book Value ₹ 252 Stock CMP is above all three.
Levels are:- Buy Near 550 stoploss 460 Tgts 750-845-1075-1230
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