just size it up again at $4.7 so i'm 1%.
rough to be airing this out in real time... but again notes to myself and cautionary lessons learned from others.
- i fundamentally do not believe the guide is enough to merit down >25%
- short interest for a 500 mcap stock (now 400 mm lol) is high that matters in the ST and i think is driving the excess 15-20% of the move. i think it reverses.
- the conf call is interesting. i didn't plan to listen to it. but now i have to given my position lol
- 1% is probably bigger than i'd like to be. you typically don't want to be in a position like this. like being pot committed in a poker tournament (1% isn't really a breaker for me and i think downside is 20-30%) but the point is, you typically don't want to donk off chips. i'm there rn, but still think i have several outs having sized up substantially lower.
keep u posted after CC