
Bitcoin - So, you were told $8,000 is coming?

Right now alts are like kites drifting in the wind, following Bitcoin. Unfortunately, Bitcoin Cash is asleep as well, so here we are. Focusing on the main event.

So, you've been told $8,000 is coming and suddenly after much reluctance and many failed longs, $10,000 has come and gone twice and five figures remains.

There is much danger in this market. Things are no longer strong. That means the largest operators are sitting short, and you can think about what that means for yourself.

Nothing goes down in a straight line, as they say, nor do whales make things easy.

On the way up, they hurt both shorts and longs.

Why not on the way down, too?

In any event I think it's going to bounce for lots of different reasons, mostly because people capitulated and shorted at $10,000-$10,500 and are now trapped.

Fomo will be triggered, short sellers will provide rocket fuel.

Long: $10,600~
Target: $12,450
Stop: $10,200

RR: 4.68

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