9 มีนา 2020 เวลา 3 นาฬิกา 27 นาที

Oil Opens Down -25%! More downside? 



So did look at this chart on the weekly. We had an initial downside move after multiple higher lows and higher highs, and we were expecting a lower high swing to be made. This did not happen for many months. The 61.8 fib held, and just on Friday, we confirmed our first lower high swing because remember, to confirm a swing, we need a new lower low (in a downtrend).

Now come Sunday open, the move continued more than I expected and we cut through the first fib zone. Next fib target would be around 21... we should not see that anytime soon, but with this market volatility, anything is possible.

So I have spoken before on why OPEC production cuts do not work. Say oil is at 50, and a production cut is agreed on to take oil to 60. If the demand for oil has not changed, an OPEC member has the incentive to cheat on the deal, and produce as many barrels as they were before and sell them at 60 for more profit. Once other members find out about this, they all start producing the same as before and then price goes back to where it was and you are back to where you first began before the production cut.

What angered the Saudi's was the fact that if demand remained the same, their market share was taken away. It was taken away by Iran who supplied mostly to China and other Asian nations...the fact they accepted any other currency other than the US Dollar was helpful too...and will also increase their market share when we see the US Dollar move higher.

Now, we know there are recession fears. Many nations know that oil will be heading lower. Yes, shale did bring a lot of supply to the market. The US became energy independent, and brought on a lot of supply adding to the supply glut. And yes, bringing oil prices down will impact shale production...but more importantly, it will hurt the banks, who were forced to loan to these oil/shale companies the last time oil fell in order to prevent massive layoffs. They will pay for it now. These are zombie companies, needing more debt just to stay afloat (maybe lower rates will help them out).

So, going back to the idea that nations know oil prices will fall due to the looming recession. If you are Russia, or Iran and know this, you want to pump as much as you can now, to make as much money as you can. Media is using the shale production story, which sure might be true. However, I think Saudi Arabia doing the Aramco IPO was a telling sign of this eventually occurring.