15 มีนา 2022 เวลา 9 นาฬิกา 14 นาที

The US Markets Have Not Fallen yet ลดลง

S&P 500 IndexTVC


It's make me angry! All this situation around Ukraine. I'm from Russia and I'm not ashamed of it. Although there has come a period that it is not safe to be Russian now. And I'm worried about my kids because their mama is Russian. My husband from Germany and we live in Germany now and it is here that anti-Russian sentiments are especially strong!
I always considered myself intelligent and thoughtful, it's not for nothing that I work as a financial analyst. But now I feel confused.
If I would stay in my country I believe that I will have more opportunities to use this situation but I'm here. I'm sure that european governments understand what they doing. And also they represent what kind of reverse effect sanctions against Russia will give them.
The United States has imposed a ban on the import of oil, a number of petroleum products, liquefied natural gas (LNG) and coal from the Russian Federation. The British Foreign Ministry called on Europe to extend sanctions on oil and gas from Russia.
I will not say that many people will lose their jobs in Russia because of sanctions, and life in general will become more expensive. But it will be hard in Europe, too.
Have you seen gasoline prices yet? In Germany, the cost of 1 liter has increased to 2.30 euros, in the Netherlands it is already 2.5 euros. Ads appeared in stores stating that there are restrictions on buying products in one hand. And it is only beginning…
If you ask how did the sanctions affect me? I will answer that for the third week my work has been frozen because there are no traiding in russian stock markets. Some of the clients I work with are also from Russia, their accounts are also blocked, my bank card is disconnected from SWIFT and I can no longer use it until I return to Russia.
What else? Oh, yes, the dollar and euro exchange rates against the ruble have increased by 38% and 30% over the past two weeks.
The news that I read and analyze in Russia and Europe differ as black and white. I will not say who is right, the truth is in the middle. But why does everyone forget and do not want to admit that this whole situation in Ukraine happened thanks to the support of America? And that the Russians have been oppressed for 8 years? And that in general, the United States has always benefited from war on the territory of other countries and it is convenient to write off miscalculations and failures in the economy under this idea.
I apologize for this post, but I can't stay silent anymore. I want other people to think about what is really happening and that Russia is not the first country to face an economic blockade, there were Iran and Venezuela. So the point, as always, is who benefits from it!
The US markets have not fallen yet, look at the weekly chart of the S& P500 and remove all illusions, the nearest target is 3600-3800 points.
I am from Australia and I share your sentiments. Keep your head up and don't ever be ashamed of your heritage!
@chuckles92, Thank you for support! I do!!!
USA bombed country after country with NO consequences and has always made their own rules... In the end, Putin may win this by wrecking all our Western economies...and end the dollar domination of global trade... Be safe be strong. I am glad we can trade short and long...and so survive... If that 4100 breaks with Fed interest rate hikes,.. This market has a long way to go down......
@SeattleGuy, America will be destroyed by high inflation and the inability of the state to admit its mistakes. You will be hear again that $6 gasoline is Putin's fault, in fact it is Biden's fault, because instead of building friendly economies together, America always tells everyone what to do and how.
Its not mean that I'm happy abouy that but I expect down-trend in US indexes in this year.