29 เมษา 2021 เวลา 14 นาฬิกา 42 นาที

New Zealand NZ50 - Wherefore goest thou? 

S&P/NZX 50 Gross IndexNZX


The New Zealand NZ50G (gross) benchmark index versus some indicative major components: Spark telecoms SPK, Auckland International Airport AIA, and then the electricity generation utilities Meridian MEL, Contact CEN and Mercury MCY along with the NZX Utilities Index G55G - and last, but definitely not the least, is presently the largest New Zealand company Fisher & Paykel Healthcare FPH.
CG Vv x c
Good afternoon; Love your chart and analysis. May I ask you how did you arrange your Chart Configuration so your Performance Analysis "fits in on single chart" ... when I try to do this my chart is impossible to read as I have line all over the place and out of the chart. Thank you for your advice !!! Stay safe and healthy !!!