9 มีนา 2022 เวลา 20 นาฬิกา 19 นาที

EURUSD Technical Analysis for March 

Euro Fx/U.S. DollarFXCM


Just a quick look at some simple technicals and logic to how EURUSD will develop over the coming days/weeks. Likely better to join a move back to the 1.11s to find resistance as the worst of the sanctions and embargo panicking has taken place, unlikely to reach 1.08 again unless a drastic measure such as Russia cutting off the EU and GB entirely from oil/gas happened. News coming tomorrow on the dollar, so wait until after that if there's an opportunity left. The White House did this before where they said expect a bad number, only for a shock number to come out so they get good headlines to distract the public
What a perfect prediction you have here, will be nice to update this idea, what do you think will it bounce from these levels?
@Piticu, Hey thanks for the acknowledgement!

I'll update it today along with others, if you ever want to discuss ideas when things haven't been updated my PM's are always open