eBay Inc.

Inverse Head and Shoulders Earnings 2-3 AMC

โดย lauralea
No rising wedges in the yearly chart..
Possible stop under right shoulder

RS 48.93 A closer place that may work is under 52.40 which makes the risk a bit lower
LS is 47.44
Head 45.36

This would be a relatively low risk trade in the schme of things if everything goes okay, just we never know..it has broken the neckline already..

Looking at risk/reward can help you choose trades where you can get the most gain with the least risk. I look at a trade sometimes and I know it will most likely work out, but the reward is too low to make it worth my while tying up my money on the trade. If you are ultra rich, I guess it does not matter cos you have so much money anyway (o:

I just noticed EBAY is in a long, but slow uptrend..NV and OBV are high..

Not a recommendation/Just an observation
The market may remain irrational as long as we are solvent. Most likely Mr Market will become rational when we are no longer solvent.
Chart Patterns
