13 มีนา 2024 เวลา 21 นาฬิกา 49 นาที

40 Year Rough Estimate เพิ่มขึ้น

Bitcoin / United States DollarCoinbase


This chart looks silly, I know. Turn on log to see it a bit better. It sounds absurd, but so does just about any market.

The only thing I can see stopping this is a return to the gold standard. As long as money can be printed for free, it will. Bitcoin can't.

I suspect we'll start seeing the qSAT (quadrillionSAT) shorthand or something, because you can always add more zeroes.
People will call this stupid, but look at the current chart with logarithmic off (or even on) and the early days of BTC look basically the same - a flat line and then suddenly, movement.