17 กันยา 2023 เวลา 18 นาฬิกา 20 นาที

2023 Showdown: Can Binance Coin Hold the $200 Line ลดลง



Hello traders and investors! If you appreciate our charts, give us a quick 💜💜.

A remarkable similarity between the current Weekly chart of BinanceCoin (BINANCE:BNBUSD) and the 2018-2019 market has become evident. It's as if we're witnessing a large fractal pattern unfolding before our eyes. However, as we stand on the brink of 2023, there's a critical juncture approaching - the $200 support level for BNBUSD.

When we examine this fractal in the context of 2018-2019, it suggests a scenario where the price could potentially break down, possibly leading to a significant 50% decline to approximately the $100 level.

This pivotal moment at the $200 support level warrants our keen attention, as it could have substantial implications for the future direction of BinanceCoin. The echoes of the past are compelling, and it's essential for traders and investors to stay vigilant and monitor this unfolding pattern closely.